Monday, October 3, 2016

It Has Been A While

It has been a really long time since I last typed a word on my blog. I haven't been very active lately because I am preoccupied with a whole lot of things --- work, health issues, etc. I cannot, however, keep silent about how I really feel and I know that the only way I can say these things without being "pre-judged" and for me to be able to put this experience on record is through this medium.

DISCLAIMER: If you think you're the person I am pertaining to and you feel mad at me for posting this, well this is how I do feel. This is my blog. If you don't like what you see, then don't read it. And I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that the words I'll say here are far more artistic than what you will hear directly from me if you keep crossing the lines in my sands of coolness...

First of all, there are so many people on earth with so many personalities. Among the people on earth are the creative and free-spirited people.

Back in the day when I would write songs for a living, the greatest achievement that I could ever get is a nod of appraisal from those who are listening to it. It is truly rewarding to hear that I have at least done something good and worthy. There are critics, of course, but these critics do understand how hard it is to write something, and I do believe that an intelligent critic would only critic one's work after its rough draft, or its second presentable rough draft.

What would you feel if someone interjects RIGHT in the middle of your work? Is it productive? Have you taken into account how the person you are criticizing really feels? Or are you just being a pushover?

Here's what I wish to share:

No matter how ripe your age is, it will never mean that you know everything. AND it will never be possible to LOCK other people into your personal standards. The RULE of being creative is that there are NO RULES --- NO CONSTRAINTS.

Additional fact: Did you know that repeated criticism creates emotional distress, stress and eventually depression?

Let me put this simple: YOU are depriving ME from being creative by pushing your standards in me, when in fact we are two separate entities and of different perspectives.

Here's another cliche: The road you took is the same road I am currently taking. --- WRONG! My mom never says that. My dad never says that. "Papunta ka pa lang, pabalik na ako..." That cliche is so over-rated! SINCE WHEN DID TWO INDIVIDUALS TRAVERSE THE SAME LINE IN THE UNIVERSE? There may be parallelisms but I doubt that it is one and the same! It's so insulting to insinuate that the world you had back then is the same as it is now.

Your generation is and will no longer be the same as now.

Gone are the yellows complement blues or any other color combinations. This century focuses in reinventing the norms and exploring. If you cannot accept that, stay at home...

Why do we need to lash out our insecurities towards other people? AT THE WRONGEST TIME! I am feeling sick and questioning my health, and yet what you do is torment me. It happens every day. Every time I am doing something on the computer.

And what about the times you would BUTT-IN when I am talking with someone? Just because you are of old age, means you are exempted from etiquette.

Among so many others....

Now, I know and I realized that I am still the creative me: and you will not be the person to destroy it.