Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Some Questions Needing Answers

The Author
Everyday, we all encounter different questions in our heads that simply need answers. But because our lives are going fast everyday, we tend to forget those questions and leave them unanswered. These are just some of my random thoughts:

Happiness is such a profound word. Factors like contentment, completeness and many others affect the way we define happiness. Well, for me, I think happiness is finding a home -- not just any home, but a place where you can be who you are and people will accept you for what you are, and not try to change you, or expect you to change abruptly. It's just like finding a comfort zone, only, much wider and broader. Somewhere you can wake up and see or feel no stress at all.

Some say that those stresses are there to stay, or problems make a person, etc. Those are actually not motivational and oftentimes mislead a person into thinking that problems are encountered everyday. But guess what: WE make the problems! Deep inside our heads WE make things much more complicated than it should be. Simple words, we take offensively. And I would like to reiterate how we always, ALWAYS, take things too seriously. For instance, personal wall posts or tweets. We get affected and get involved to much that we fail to see that the main reason why people blog, or tweet their emotions online, is because, posting it in space, makes in neutral. It stays that way and is simply put out in the world. The blogger really don't need your opinion whether it was right or wrong! That is his/her only time alone in cyberspace, spending all their time there where they can be who they want to be; to put out the words they can't say in real life! In short, that is their happiness.

Another question in my mind is who can give advice to who? Or what factors make up the "I-know-I-am-right"? Does it involve age? Or position? Or titles? Or degrees? Are those factors enough to say that they are more superior? Or that they are always right? I have encountered that a whole lot of times and believe me, it's not always easy to compete with someone who has a degree, or reached the age of whitening hair, or someone of authority. That is the stereotype: authority always wins! But does it really have to be that way?

We all have a voice and we can say what we want. But when someone relates to that and is offended by it, we get turmoil. It is simply sad that we cannot accept that as adults, we can also be narrow-minded and wrong. We must learn to listen to the young ones---to listen to the inferior. We may be older or smarter, but we should not always guilt-trip on the latter. A key to wisdom is to listen and analyze every aspect of what we do or say. When we feel violated, we have two options: react violently or react silently. To me, I approach the person, in any way, and tell them right in the face: "You are dead wrong, my friend." But how do others take it? They take offense! We do! All the time!

People also forget to ask other people: "How are you?", "What's on your mind?", or "Have you any problems lately?". That is why it is so enticing to blog it on Facebook because it asks us, "What's on your mind?". Facebook won't react to your post! It stays neutral. Who reacts? People. How do they react? One-sided perception---their own side. Not everything you learned in life is utterly the same with others. But instead of bickering and commenting how wrong this person posted his thoughts, I honestly think that we should ask him/her, what's wrong. listen and understand. That way, we know how to handle that person in the long run. Not by condemning him/her and condoning his/her actions. That is just unfair!

And we tend to ask ourselves, "Why is he/she that way?" However, we never observe. We just think he/she is wrong, preach and move on. Instead of giving support, we give a reason to make him/her sadder and more inferior about himself/herself. We have love and concern towards another person which we develop through the course of time we meet him/her. Shouldn't we use this love to understand another person instead of making him/her feel remorse and guilt?

This is why suicide occurs. Those people who need another person to talk to, fails to reach out his/her message or feelings. I don't condemn those who commit suicide. I condemn the people around them! Why? Because they failed to listen and failed to understand. People who are down and/or sad don't need to take crap from guilt-trippers. They need extra care! They need to burst out their feelings without anyone contradicting them all the time.

BELIEVE ME, because it happens to me every time! Thanks to my faith, I never and will never course to suicide.

That's it for now! See you soon!

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